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Term | Definition | Reference |
ADHD paralysis | Difficulty starting, finishing, or maintaining tasks arises from overwhelming anxiety. | Feeling Stuck? Here’s How To Overcome ADHD Paralysis. Cleveland Clinic. |
Adreniline | neurotransmitter and hormone that plays a role in flight-or-fight response | |
Automatic Attention (Bottom-up) | A type of attention associated with the brain's default-mode and is spontaneously triggered without conscious effort | Manos MJ, Short EJ. A new paradigm for adult ADHD: A focused strategy to monitor treatment. Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine. 2023;90(7):413-421. doi: |
Autonomy | Self-determination, the process of making one's own decisions | Moore M, Jackson E, Tschannen-Moran B, Wellcoaches Corporation. Coaching Psychology Manual. Wolters Kluwer; 2016. |
Body Scan | A mindfulness practice that involves focusing on individual body ranges to develop awareness of sensations | Body Scan Meditation: Benefits and How to Do It. Healthline. Published March 26, 2020. |
Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) | Crucial compound responsible for facilitating adaptive alterations associated with the processes of acquiring knowledge and storing memories | Miranda M, Morici JF, Zanoni MB, Bekinschtein P. Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor: A Key Molecule for Memory in the Healthy and the Pathological Brain. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience. 2019;13(363). doi:
Breathwork | Breathing techniques to promote mindfulness and relaxation | Contributors WE. What Is Breathwork? WebMD. Published June 28, 2021. |
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy | structured psychotherapeutic approach that focuses on identifying and modifying dysfunctional thoughts, emotions, and behaviors to alleviate psychological distress and promote personal growth. | Cognitive Therapy for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. |
Cognitive Load | How much of our working memory is being used | Mind Tools. Cognitive Load Theory. Published 2022. |
Cognitive Restructuring | Cognitive restructuring is the process of actively challenging and reframing unhelpful or negative thoughts to promote healthier and more adaptive thinking patterns | Shurick AA, Hamilton JR, Harris LT, Roy AK, Gross JJ, Phelps EA. Durable effects of cognitive restructuring on conditioned fear. Emotion. 2012;12(6):1393-1397. doi: |
Cortisol | Steroid hormone that regulates your body's response to stress | |
Directed Attention (Top-down) | Attention that operates inside of the brain's executive network and requires effort to concentrate
| Manos MJ, Short EJ. A new paradigm for adult ADHD: A focused strategy to monitor treatment. Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine. 2023;90(7):413-421. doi: |
Dopamine | A neurotransmitter (or chemical messenger) that plays a part in learning, attention, motivation, and how we feel pleasure. | Cristol H. What Is Dopamine? WebMD. Published June 14, 2021. |
Emotion Regulation | An individual's capacity to adeptly handle and react to emotional experience | Rolston A, Lloyd-Richardson E. What Is Included?
Fixed Mindset | A conviction that traits or abilities remain relatively fixed and unchangeable | Burnette JL, Babij AD, Oddo LE, Knouse LE. Self-Regulation Mindsets: Relationship to Coping, Executive Functioning, and ADHD. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. 2020;39(2):101-116. doi: |
Glimmers | Tiny spark of joy, made possible by a calm and quiet spirit | Jelenjev L. KNOW YOUR GLIMMERS. NE Academy. Published March 26, 2023. |
Growth Mindset | A the belief that, through effort and persistence, you can achieve your goals | Morin A. Growth Mindset: How to Develop Growth Mindset. Published 2023. |
Mindfulness | Holding non-judgemental awareness of experiences | Stahl B, Goldstein E. A Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Workbook. New Harbinger Publications; 2019 |
Motivational Interviewing | A form of evidence-based communication, is primarily employed to enhance motivation for behavioral changes. | Souders B. 17 Motivational Interviewing Questions and Skills. Published November 5, 2019. |
Neurotransmitter | Naturally occurring substances within the body that facilitate communication between neurons across the entire nervous system. | Sheffler ZM, Reddy V, Pillarisetty LS. Physiology, Neurotransmitters. PubMed. Published 2020. |
Planning Fallacy | underestimating how long a task will take to complete | Willingham DT. Outsmart Your Brain : Why Learning Is Hard and How You Can Make It Easy. Gallery Books; 2022. |
Pomodoro Method | Time management system that utilized 25 minute work sprints with 5 minute breaks to optimize productivity | Time Management Course - Pomodoro® Technique. |
Prospective memory | Forming and intention to take action in the future and then remembering to take the action when it is time | Willingham DT. Outsmart Your Brain : Why Learning Is Hard and How You Can Make It Easy. Gallery Books; 2022. |
Psychotherapy | Psychotherapy involves addressing mental health concerns through verbal communication with a psychologist, psychiatrist, or another mental health professional. | Mayo Clinic. Psychotherapy - Mayo Clinic. Published March 17, 2016.
Serotonin | Serotonin, a neurotransmitter, facilitates communication between nerve cells in the brain and throughout the body, influencing various functions including mood regulation. | Cleveland Clinic. Serotonin. Cleveland Clinic. Published March 18, 2022. |
Sleep Hygiene | Strategies to optimize your environment and behaviors to optimise healthy sleep | Suni E. What is Sleep Hygiene? Sleep Foundation. Published August 14, 2020. |
Stimulus | Something that triggers a physical change or a change in behavior | Stimulus: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia. |
Stimulus Control | Stimulus control is when an organism acts differently depending on whether a particular thing is present or not. | Jacobs GD. Say Good Night to Insomnia. Henry Holt; 2009. |
Stress Response | The stress response is a physiological reaction triggered by perceived threats or challenges, involving the release of hormones like cortisol and adrenaline to prepare the body for action. | |
Time Blindness | An unawareness or misinterpretation of time as it passes | Why Time Flies When You're Having Fun. Cleveland Clinic. |
Vagal nerve | The primary nerves of your parasympathetic nervous system transmit signals connecting your brain, heart, and digestive system. | Cleveland Clinic. Vagus Nerve: Gastroparesis, Vagus Nerve Stimulation & Syncope. Cleveland Clinic. Published January 11, 2022. |
Working Memory | The brain's ability to temporarily store and manipulate information while engaged in complex mental tasks | Otto MW, Eastman A, Lo S, et al. Anxiety sensitivity and working memory capacity: Risk factors and targets for health behavior promotion. Clinical Psychology Review. 2016;49:67-78. doi: |
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