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Pilot Update

Freedom from expectations can be transformational, opening up everything. 

My first coaching experience was just that. It was transformational for me including opening up new opportunities for success and fulfillment. For me, before coaching, it felt like all the pieces of my life were jumbled and almost like everything was caving in on me. I was stressed, frustrated and stuck. 

Once I was set free from the expectations others had for me, and that I had for myself, only then was I able to make steps (and even leaps) towards the future I actually wanted. 

So, how is Found Focus measuring up in helping others achieve this freedom? According to our summer pilot program, we are definitely heading in the right direction! Here’s a quick recap of the results:

The pilot program has received highly positive feedback, highlighting its accessibility and comprehensive content. Participants have praised the ease of accessing information, the ability to effortlessly connect with coaches, and the overall functionality of the app. The program's structure and the coaching sessions have been particularly beneficial, helping participants navigate and apply the lessons effectively. The feedback underscores the success of our user-friendly interface, making it simple for participants to engage with the program and achieve their goals. 

On the flip side, while the pilot program has been well-received, we are committed to enhancing the app and the overall experience based on valuable user insights. We are focusing on providing more detailed and targeted information to better support individual needs. We are also exploring ways to make the app’s calendar feature more compelling and integrated with users' personal schedules offering a more seamless experience. These efforts aim to elevate the app’s performance and meet the evolving needs of the Found Focus community.

Freedom from expectations can be transformational, opening up everything–and that’s what we are doing for you.

Keep the feedback coming –we are excited to learn how we can support you best! 

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