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Writer's pictureCharlie De Poortere

The Impact of Outside Support

Updated: Jan 14

In 2020 I was a student at a small private midwestern college where I was isolated, cold (literally all the time), overwhelmed, and struggling. While participating in a leadership program I had the benefit of services that were typically outside of what the college offered. I participated in six weeks of Life Coaching where my coach encouraged me to ask myself questions like: What could be better? And What can I do to change it? We used Cognitive Behavior Therapy-based exploration that allowed me to figure out what I really needed in order to find my purpose. Understanding that purpose is key to health and wellness was a new concept for me. I now know that finding your purpose supports your mental health, life’s longevity, and a reason to get out of bed each morning. 1Having six weeks of constant access to the wellness curriculum, worksheets, exercises promoting self-reflection, and one-on-one coaching changed everything for me. 

I came home for Thanksgiving break, visited Elon, fell in love with the University, threw together an application, crossed my fingers, and was accepted a few weeks later. My parents, professors, and friends NEVER would have encouraged a move like this. I left behind a full scholarship, the role of team captain on the eSports team, amazing relationships with professors, and I was halfway through my junior year. It took some soul searching, reflective thinking, journal work, and consistent email support in order for me to see my potential and gather the courage to seek out a school that would better fit my needs. I know that having support, outside of the typical college support services, changed my life. This is the type of support you will find with Found Focus.

Charlie De Poortere, Founder


1.The Secrets of Long Life & Why Seventh Day Adventists live longer (National Geographic Report).

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